New Feature: Share your Images Directly on Facebook

Gigapan images can now be viewed and shared with friends on your Facebook Wall and Timeline. To share a Gigapan image, just click the “Share” button below the image and select the Facebook icon to post directly on your Wall. To share the image on your friend’s Facebook Wall, click the “Link” icon to copy and paste the URL into your post. Friends can now explore the images right on your Timeline!

After you post to Facebook, a play button will appear over your image thumbnail. When clicked, it will open a Gigapan viewer on your Timeline. Click the fullscreen button to explore the image in detail! We hope that you enjoy the view.

NASA Earth Observatory Releases Longest Gigapan Image

NASA Earth Observatory just released a gigapixel image of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) that you can zoom into and explore the image using Gigapan viewer. You can see the incredible image in detail once you dive in!

NASA captured the world's largest panoramic photo at 6,000 miles long and 120 miles wide using a satellite orbiting 438 miles above the Earth. The swath is made up of 56 still images taken during the satellite's final orbit and stretches from northern Russia down to South Africa.

Information about the Long Swathmosaic: On April 12, 2013, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) reached its final orbit, 705 kilometers (438 miles) above Earth. One week later, the satellite's natural-color imager scanned a swath of land 185-kilometers wide and 9,000 kilometers long (120 by 6,000 miles)--an unusual, unbroken distance considering 70 percent of Earth is covered with water. That flight path afforded us the chance to assemble 56 still images into a seamless, flyover view of what LDCM saw on April 19, 2013. Stretching from northern Russia to South Africa, the full mosaic from the Operational Land Imager can be browsed here:

For full details about the Long Swath, please visit here

Stitch 2.2 Beta Release

Gigapan announces a new version of its gigapixel photography stitching software Stitch, Stitch.Efx and Upload applications. The updated software for includes improved image export capabilities and increased support for larger file types.

The enhanced image export capability now allows users to export stitched images in several formats, including TIFF, JPEG, PNG or Photoshop Raw formats. Users will also have the option to export resized images more quickly and easily, creating an opportunity to share smaller versions of stitched images. Read the full news release here:

You can also learn more about our updated features in our forum post: